Gilder’s Surplus Gold Removal Brush



Gilder’s Gold Surplus Removal Brush for “Water Gilding”. This brush was inspired by a great little “OLD” brush used by a sign writer and gold leaf master out of Australia – John Jordan. John still has the original and uses it on a regular basis. This brush is used for the removal of precious metal leaf when water gilding glass in reverse for Signage, Art, Decoration and much more. The handle is made from wood. The trim out is 3/4″, and the wooden block is 2 1/8″ x 4 3/4″. The block has rounded ends and top with hand grooves in the sides. Use this brush after your back-up paint has completely dried. You may use a damp cloth (not dripping wet) and slightly moisten the surface, then brush gently over any surplus leaf in a pendulum action to remove surplus material.